Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Peer Pressure at ANY AGE!

I was talking to a Realtor about my business real estate packages and when she heard about my FLAT FEE MLS program... she said "you gotta be brave to do that".  

It got me thinking WOW.  Here is a 20 + year veteran in the Real Estate business, a very nice person, extremely hard working and absolutely tremendous communicator,  that if she wanted, she could sell you ICE if you lived in the North Pole... but felt uneasy with my FLAT FEE MLS program because listings less than 5% weren't "desired" at her office.

After I explained to her how my FLAT FEE MLS program works along with my other listing packages she became very excited at the idea.  WOW.. I realized at that point I packaged a  "win-win" transaction that great business people, motivators, teachers, etc. say is desired in all exchanges.  

With my FLAT FEE MLS and service based Listing Packages - Sellers win by paying for only the services they want and need.  They are not forced to pay 5% listing commission for services they won't require or need to sell their condo/house.

I win by saving myself time and money.  I get paid upfront on a FLAT FEE MLS listings and I get more time to spend with my wife and children.  Also I get the personal satisfaction that I helped save a home owner some of their hard earned money and what I earned was well deserved and just.   

In the next few years you will see the Real Estate business transforming in front of your eyes.  For example... sophisticated Buyers who do all the "work" in finding the house they like and will choose a Realtor who will offer them a rebates from the Buyer commission.  It only makes sense, Buyers do all the work, saving you time and money and should be rewarded.

I think the Internet is going to revolutionize the buying and selling process. I'm up for the challenge.  I won't be intimidated.  I'm ready to help home owners sell their homes and create WIN-WIN transactions.  Are you ready?

The beauty of the FREE Market system is that you get to CHOOSE I'd like you to choose me.  I believe my packages will provide you the services you need at a price that is fair to sell your house!  

As consumers, home owners, I'd really like hear what you think.  So send me your comments to my e-mail below.  Thank you.

Jas Jagpal, Sales Representative, 647-272-6629, jasjagpal@rogers.com www.JasJagpal.com  

----------------- Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------
“Different commission rates, fees and listing and marketing services may be offered by other RE/MAX Franchisees and Sales Associates in Canada.” 
Remax Dynasty Realty Inc.  Independently Owned and Operated.  Not Intended To Solicit Buyers / Sellers under contract. 

© 2010- Jas Jagpal

Markham Boxgrove Homes, Morningside Heights Homes, Scarborough Town Centre Condos, Toronto Real Estate: www.JasJagpal.com

Thinking of Selling a House or a Condo - Don't pay 5% or 4% commissions.  

FLAT FEE MLS listings is the way to go: www.SELLFOR999.com



Posted via email from Markham Boxgrove Real Estate Blog

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