I know it's a uphill climb. Many of you know a handful of sales agents already. My goal isn't to be just a sales agent, but like your family-doctor, be your trusted, full-time "Family Realtor". I want you to feel comfortable enough to pick up the phone and call us, anytime you have any real estate questions.
Those who know me personally or who have used our services can vouch for me that you will always get honest, timely & credible advice.
My motive is not a "commission check" but to help you the best I can. What you are thinking and feeling is important to me. If making a condo investment is going to make you worry and lose sleep, I'll be the first to tell you NOT TO INVEST! If you want to list your house at $600K and the market value is $575K, I'll be the first to let you know, with data to back it up, at our first meeting. I won't beat around the bush and say your house can sell for $600K, lock you in a listing contract and then get you to reduce your price a few weeks later when you are nervous and worried about selling your house. Unfortunately statistics show over-priced homes end up selling for less than those that are priced-right in the beginning.
Because of the new condos releases- AVANI, Markham Essential, The Towns at Mount Joy... people have asked me if they should invest or not. I really can't answer that for you. You have to make the decision. Like I said, I don't see my self as a "sales person"... my job isn't to SELL YOU! I feel my job is to be your personal consultant... educate you... answer all your questions as truthfully as I can. The decision is yours. Remember, "It's not about me, It's about you!"
Just like the myth, I've seen, play out over and over again. Some how people think if they are living in a predominately Tamil neighborhood they should list with a "Tamil" Realtor. Somehow they feel they are better able to sell their house. That is just nonsense. The same myth plays out with Chinese in Markham and Indians in Brampton.
I'm hoping that more of you will consider our open invitation to be your family Realtors. Call anytime if you have questions or concerns. Jess and I are here to help you, your friends and family- buy, sell and invest in a dignified & honest way.
Your family Realtors.
Jas Jagpal, BROKER | Cell: 647-272-6629 | jasjagpal@gmail.com
Jess Jagpal, Sales Rep. | Cell: 416-312-9742 | jessjagpal@gmail.com
Sign Up For Vip Savings with Jas. BUY • SELL • INVEST • Assign • Lease in the GTA.
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