Monday, May 6, 2013

New Video! – Sam Appavou Testimonial : Jas Jagpal, Broker Remax | Toronto Real Estate : First-Time Home Buyer Sam and his wife came from Mauritius. They were amazing to work with. Had lots of questions. Didn’t know the process here at all. They trusted me and now enjoy a 3BR home with their growing family. They inspired me with their immigrant story. That hard work, savings and strong family values can lead to home ownership. Yes they rented a basement apartment… yes they took my advise and saved more for their downpayment and bought a home in a nice neighborhood then a cheaper condo that I could’ve had sold them a year earlier, if I wanted, but which wouldn’t have worked for them or be in their best interests long term. I was happily surprised a year later to get their phone call when they were ready to buy a home. That goes to show that people do value honest and integrity… and it shouldn’t be about commission but what’s best for your clients. Congratulations Sam on your home!

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