Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't be a HATER! with Disclaimer. E-mail comments.

I wrote this blog on September 21st and it's nice to see more than 1500 people have read it.  Today I was notified however, that my blog does not meet "disclosure" standards which I wasn't aware of.  So I've been asked to add it to my blog.  That's fair and so I've deleted the previous blog on my blog sites and am reposting it with the disclosure through Posterous.  

CREA - Canadian Real Estate Association and RECO - Real Estate Council of Ontario, TREB - Toronto Real Estate Board are all committed to fair competition and letting Realtors (Sales Representatives) to set their own commission rates and encourage fair competition.  I know most Realtors would like the status quo 5% Listing Commissions... which exists in some areas of the GTA... and I would too.  But having been in the business industry for over 10 years and most of it "online",  I know that the old ways of doing business is slowly becoming less and less relevant and if you don't come up with new, inventive means of marketing and providing the services client's (who are far more informed than 5-10 years ago) need... then sooner rather than later, like the dinosaurs your business will become extinct.  

That is why I have rolled out a program that offers 5 commission packages with differing services that will meet most peoples' needs in the GTA.  What is unique with my packages is that you see exactly the services I will provide you for the FEE you are willing to pay.  I can't be more transparent.  I do this because I know some people may not need all the services at my 5% Gold listing package.  For example you have a brand new home in excellent condition and beautifully staged in a high demand area.  I know it will sell fast if we price it to sell for the current market.  So do I deserve a 5% listing commission?  You be the judge.  Some Realtors will say Yes!  I say No!  On a $400K average priced home in Toronto that can be $6000 coming out of your pocket between a 5% to 3.5% listing.

The beauty of the FREE Market system is that you get to CHOOSE!  I'd like you to choose me.  I believe my packages will provide you the services you need at a price that is fair to sell your house!  

As consumers, home owners, I'd really like hear what you think.  So send me your comments to my e-mail below.  Thank you.

Jas Jagpal, Sales Representative, 647-272-6629,  

----------------- Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------

“Different commission rates, fees and listing and marketing services may be offered by other RE/MAX Franchisees and Sales Associates in Canada.” 
Remax Dynasty Realty Inc.  Independently Owned and Operated.  Not Intended To Solicit Buyers / Sellers under contract. 

 ------------------------------------------------------ Original Blog -----------------------

I posted my FLAT FEE MLS flyer at the Temple's bulletin board on Saturday.  Sometime between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning someone decides to put their rental posting over mine, even though there is plenty of room to post it to the side.  So I move it for them.  Today I went by the temple as I do every day and someone removed my flyer altogether!  Wow... even at a place of worship people can't put away their hatred and jealousy.

If I was a betting man I'd bet on a Realtor taking off my flyer.  He must be thinking "FLAT FEE MLS - WTF!!  He's going to STEAL my Clients!"  Unfortunately I can't cure this poverty mindset!  No one steals from anyone.  There is far more business in the universe that we can handle or need.  We just have to provide the services that people need at any given moment.

Unfortunately my FLAT FEE MLS listing idea is too revolutionary for traditional Realtors who'd rather keep the status quo where everyone pays 5% commissions to sell their house.

I'd rather give people the option of selecting a package that fits their individual needs and pay just for the services they require. Hence I offer 5 packages.

You know I wonder, how many of the 5000 home owners who get my newsletter at their house by Canada post on a monthly basis also hate my unconventional business ideas! :-)  Who knows how many Realtors get my newsletter in Morningside Heights and Markham.

Well I can't speak for others... but I think people need to chill a little.  Everyone who earns their keep works for it.  Very few get a hand-out or a hand-down. 

In my 30 years of business from Selling Flowers at downtown street corners at age nine, Ice-Cream at the Beaches, Mangos at Gerrard St, print products and now Real Estate... I learned that people will do business with people they like and trust.  Some factors that influence their decision on a conscious or a sub-conscious level are- Service, Quality, Respect, Punctuality, Mannerism, Religious Beliefs, Cost, Dependability, Colour, Sex, Looks, Dress, Timing, Luck. 

Now with all these factors determing if a person is going to use your services or not... then only small minds can feel Jealous of another person's success.  I don't plugin many books but I recommend you read a few books by John C Maxwell. "How Successful People Think".  "Outlier" by Malcolm Gladwell.  The classic "Think & Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill.

Anyways... I got to take my son to his soccer practice but If you want to use my FLAT FEE MLS idea then I recommend that you do it.  I won't mind.  But don't be Haters and remove my flyers or brochures... print your own and post them right beside mine.

Peace! Thank you.  Also check out my previous blog of 30 Traits of Highly Successful People.

© 2010- Jas Jagpal, Remax Sales Representative, ; 647-272-6629
Markham Boxgrove Homes, Morningside Heights Homes, Scarborough Town Centre Condos, Toronto Real Estate:
Thinking of Selling a House or a Condo - Don't pay 5% or 4% commissions.  
FLAT FEE MLS listings is the way to go:

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Posted via email from Markham Boxgrove Real Estate Blog

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